Meet Kimberley – JBS Ipswich HR Administrator

We sat down with JBS Ipswich HR Administrator Kimberley to find out what she loves about working for JBS, and how grateful she is to be able to work in her own backyard. 

Q: What makes JBS such a great place to work?  

Kim: “I think it’s the people. You make friends. That’s what keeps people happy. That’s what keeps people coming back. And that’s what makes it a great workplace.” 

Q: What do you like about working and living in Ipswich?  

Kim: “It’s a lot closer to drive. If you’re an early starter, or if you finish late, there’s no traffic, which is really nice, especially with the highways down here. Knowing that you have a lot of other people who live locally makes it easier to make friends as you know people in the area.”  

Q: What do you love about working at JBS?  

Kim: “The variety. It’s never the same, and you get to meet new people all the time …  that’s one of the best things.”  

Want to learn more about the opportunities available with JBS Ipswich? 

A rewarding career in your own backyard? JBS Ipswich: It all starts here …  

Kimberley JBS

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